Leadership, Leading Change, Productivity
Are You Guilty of Working While On Vacation?
I am guilty! But, I have a good excuse…I love my job, my team and my clients! Every year, I take a vacation but I always bring my laptop so I can return emails and…
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Executive Coaching
7 Ways to Maximize Team Engagement and Productivity through One-on-One Meetings
One of the most common mistakes that managers make is not having one-on-one meetings with their direct reports or not holding meetings with any kind of consistency. Why are these important, you might ask? We…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching
How to Decrease Your Number of Quiet Quitters
Almost every leader will agree that a fully engaged employee is critical to an organization’s success. Everywhere we look, the narrative is about employees who are disengaged, and it’s hard to be a great leader…
Read MoreNegotiating Tactics, Negotiation
Negotiating Bonus Tips
Ten Steps to Create a Win-Win with Customers Last week, I found myself one of the last two people at the airport baggage turnstile. The turnstile was going around and around but, unfortunately, my luggage…
Read MoreLeadership, Leading Change, Productivity
What is Needed to Make a Great Team
For years, we have coached and guided many teams through difficult times. Some need more help than others. We commonly get asked, “What it takes to have a great team?” It is a great question….
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Friendship
Leading Employees Through High Levels of Change
Living in a COVID world has created a lot of new changes. Some changes have been implemented and then changed again within hours or days. One employee who stated he had “change fatigue,” told his…
Read MoreExecutive Coaching, Leadership, Leading Change
Holding Your Remote Team Highly Accountable
When the pandemic hit in March 2020, nearly every aspect of life changed. From how people work, travel, and socialize, to how children and adults learn. In 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that…
Read MoreExecutive Coaching, Leadership
Taking Control of Your Reputation
Building a great reputation as a leader is crucial to earning respect and trust from colleagues and fulfilling your career goals. Many leaders who have newly entered their role don’t know how to navigate the…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Leadership
A Leader’s Guide to Saying No
Why do so many leaders have difficulty telling an employee “no?” One of the reasons is that some leaders have a high need to be liked, and they are fearful that if they tell someone…
Read MoreLeadership, Tips
12 Winning Ways to Welcome New Employees
Imagine you are a new employee walking through the office doors on your first day, and no one comes up to talk to you or welcomes you into the office. Your manager said she would…
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