Customer Service, Employee Engagement, Leadership
That’s Not My Job!
We have all had the unpleasant task of going to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to do things such as changing the title on a car, updating a registration or renewing a driver’s license….
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Effectively Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Employee
In our training seminar, Effectively Leading Organizational Change, we talk about the five animals of change. Each of the five animals shows up in one of the four phases of change. The animals are: Phase…
Read MoreCommunication, Leadership
Do you have clout and credibility as a leader?
Do your direct reports, peers and boss see you as a credible leader? Do you have enough clout and credibility that people in your company: Listen to you Are highly motivated to help you accomplish…
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Can You Handle the Honest Truth?
Do you know what people really think about you as a leader? We are working on several projects right now where leaders have been blindsided and then dumbfounded by how others in the organization see…
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Is There a Cost to Kissing Up to Your Boss?
Following a recent leadership training seminar, an employee pulled me aside and asked, “Do I need to kiss up to my boss or should I do what is right for the organization?” This is a…
Read MoreExecutive Coaching, Leadership
Coaching an Executive…Is it Worth the Investment?
Is coaching an executive worth the investment? This is such a great question and there is only one answer…it all depends. We recently took on a new coaching assignment where the CEO of the company…
Read MoreCommunication, Leadership
Do People Trust You?
Do people trust you? I recently gave 360 feedback to a leader and one of his lowest scores was that people don’t trust him. He was dumbfounded. “How can this be? I don’t lie, I…
Read MoreExecutive Coaching, Leadership
Does Leadership Training Really Help?
On a recent flight from Boston to Minneapolis, my seatmate in 2A asked me a great question. Do you think that if we provided more leadership training earlier in people’s education or career, it would…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Leadership
When Your New Boss Took Your Job
There is a promotion opportunity in your department. Your old boss, the one who just retired, told you that you are well qualified for her position. Several team members encourage you to apply for your…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Leadership
Respect and Likeability
Can nice managers have low morale? Can managers who are aggressive and tough have low morale? The answer is – yes, many times they do. To be successful as a leader, it’s important that you’re…
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