Communication, Executive Coaching, Leadership
Why Leaders Need to Ignore the Golden Rule
Most of us grew up with parents and teachers who taught us the Golden Rule; treat others the way you want to be treated. That is an awesome rule of thumb for most aspects of…
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9 Steps to Effective Problem Solving
Every day, we are each faced with problems to solve: the large problems can be intimidating and the small problems can be mind-numbing. Either way, there is no avoiding problems. You are in your leadership…
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Tips to De-Stress your life in 2022
The start of a new year is always an exciting time for a leader to reflect on the past year’s successes, review your leadership vision or strategic plan, do some goal setting, and generally get…
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10 Keys of Highly Successful Leaders
Throughout our careers as consultants, we’ve coached many leaders who’ve struggled to build followership with either bosses, direct reports, or peers who don’t have a high level of respect for their contributions to the organization as a…
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The Line Between Confidence and Arrogance
Is there a line between being a highly skilled, confident, and knowledgeable leader, and an arrogant leader? Most definitely. The question is where is that point where leaders cross over. The problem with arrogant leaders…
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Why Do Managers Lead with Fear?
I am currently working with a manager who told his team, “If this campaign isn’t perfect when we launch, some of you will be looking for a new job.” Yikes. That’s almost as inspiring as…
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Are you in jeopardy of losing your job?
We have spent the last 25 years identifying the traits that make leaders successful. This has led us to strongly believe that there is a significant difference between leaders and managers. Managers always have a…
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Emotional Intelligence – It’s not all about you
In my career, I have heard HR professionals say many times, “How could someone so smart, be so stupid when it comes to people?” What is this all about? Most people believe that if someone…
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Is Delegation a Bad Word?
Delegation is not a bad word, but sometimes it can feel like it if you are a coach. It definitely gains some eye rolling when we mention it to leaders we are coaching. In today’s…
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The Remote Management Accountability Rollercoaster
Have you ever compared being a leader to a roller coaster ride? I think we all have at one point or another. Leadership is hard and at one point, or many points, you will hire…
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