Negotiating Tactics
Negotiation Tactic #69 – We’ve Never Done That Before
Summary: Citing lack of precedent as a reason for turning down a deal point. When you cite a precedent, you use something that has happened in the past to justify a current request, position, or…
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Bridging the Gap in Multigenerational Communication
Our accountant pointed out an interesting bit of data related to our recent company phone bill: the youngest team member spent approximately 22 minutes on calls, and texted 1285 times, while the oldest team member…
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Negotiation Tactic #68 – Referencing a Benchmark
Summary: Using a well-respected source of information to support a position. Objective criteria are often useful as a baseline for negotiations. Some well-known standard benchmarks include the Kelley Blue Book, the Consumer Price Index, the…
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How to Thrill Your Customers
The term customer satisfaction is used often. But do you really want to just satisfy your customers? It’s true, satisfied customers are often repeat customers, but thrilled customers are also repeat customers; except they bring…
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Negotiation Tactic #67 – Salami
Summary: Asking for concessions one at a time, to make them more palatable. Few people eat a whole salami with one swallow. Salami just goes down easier if you cut it into small pieces. The…
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Negotiation Tactic #66 – Two Heads are Better Than One
Summary: Working alongside your counterpart to create a win-win outcome. Although it is always good to have a plan complete with solutions laid out in your mind, getting your counterpart involved in generating win-win solutions…
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Attitude is King in Conflict Resolution
Conflict is a natural part of life and can’t always be avoided. Sometime conflict has positive outcomes, other times conflict has negative outcomes. When it comes to conflict, a lot depends on your attitude. An…
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Negotiation Tactic #65 – Taking a Time Out
Summary: Taking a break from a negotiation can sometimes be the best thing for both counterparts. You may want to just use the restroom, let tension disperse, or locate additional information before making a decision….
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Is Your Work Environment Toxic?
Although I’ve been blessed with loving parents and a loving family, I have a friend who has a relationship with his parents and siblings that could be termed toxic. In fact, I would describe his…
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Negotiation Tactic #64 – Fait Accompli-Asking for Forgiveness
Summary: Taking action first, asking for forgiveness later. Fait Accompli is a tactic described by Gerard I. Nierenberg. The phrase is French for “accomplished fact,” and refers to a deed that is already done-and is…
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