Breaking News
Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Just about every nutrition-related professional I know has that quote displayed somewhere in their office, probably to convince reluctant patients that a really…
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Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Just about every nutrition-related professional I know has that quote displayed somewhere in their office, probably to convince reluctant patients that a really…
Read MoreFashion Life
Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Just about every nutrition-related professional I know has that quote displayed somewhere in their office, probably to convince reluctant patients that a really…
Read MoreProductivity
Why your To-Do List is Failing You
When you do a Google search for to-do lists, it’s just as easy to find information supporting the benefits of a to-do list as it is to find information that document why to-do lists are…
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Jeans are pants made from denim or dungaree cloth. Often the term “jeans” refers to a particular style of pants, called “blue jeans” and invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873. Starting in…
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Be True to Your Organizational Culture
Articles about the legendary corporate cultures of Apple, Zappos, Google and similar high tech or entrepreneurial organizations abound. In these laid back organizations, employees accomplish phenomenal outcomes, all while bringing their dogs to work, playing…
Read MoreVision
Here’s How to Succeed Despite Moving Goals
Luckily for the players in the 2014 World Cup, the goal posts don’t move. However, in real life, goals are a moving target. Sometimes, the following monologue plays in my head: Won’t somebody please give…
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Can you Change your Company Culture?
There’s a lot of talk about cultures these days, and for good reason. Culture is the collective values, behaviors and habits displayed by those who work for the organization. While two competitive organizations may have…
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Small Decisions and their Big Impact
Most of us are well aware of the big decisions we have made and the significant impact those decisions have had in our lives. The decision to attend a university and graduate is a big…
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Playing it Safe Might Be the Riskiest Strategy
A senior level manager we are coaching shared with me a powerful story. One of her peers had secretly confessed to her that she was leaving the company after she received her annual bonus check….
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