Employee Engagement, Leadership, Productivity
Hire for Success (and Less Stress)
Hiring great candidates contributes to the long-term success of your team and organization. When hiring goes awry, however, it has far-reaching consequences. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I can’t believe I ever hired this…
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Open Doors and Closed Minds
Many managers claim to have an open door policy. While these managers’ doors may be open, employees often find their minds are closed. Stated another way, their managers are not approachable, accessible or interested in…
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Retaining Top Talent and the Role of Exit Interviews
The ultimate goal of every organization is to retain their top talent. And yet, every company loses employees. The best organizations make understanding the reasons employees leave part of their strategic plan. They keep their…
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Are You a Leader, Manager, or Hostage?
We have come across a number of managers who fail to confront an employee’s unacceptable behaviors for a variety of reasons. Failing to hold team members accountable for their behavior results in a snowball effect…
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6 Steps to Building a Dysfunctional Team
If you’ve been in business long enough, you have most likely been a part of a dysfunctional team at some point. Maybe your team members didn’t communicate well with each other, or maybe they didn’t…
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Leadership
The Power of Failure
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things just don’t go as planned. You experience challenges, setbacks and outright failures. You look back at your life and begin to count the few failures, losing sight of your…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Leadership
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
My father passed away last year at 94 years-young. He was always fond of telling me, “Remember, people like you better when they’re the ones doing the talking.” Great leaders know this, and have a…
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The Problem with Using ‘Either-Or’ Language
We rarely consider how powerful the simplest of words can be. But the words we choose to navigate challenges in the workplace can substantially impact our successes. A manager I’m coaching recently told me, “I…
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6 Ways to Eliminate Fear From Leadership
We all make mistakes and we all fail at times. But how you respond to your mistakes and failures will go a long way towards determining your success as a leader. Fear-based leadership leads to…
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Leadership, Leading Change
When Top Performers Lose Their Edge
What do you do as a leader when your top-performing employees lose their focus and motivation? If members of your team are not as engaged as they once were, several factors could be impacting their…
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