Executive Coaching, Leadership, Leading Change, Tips, Vision
Are You the Leader the World Needs You to Be?
The world is in desperate need of good leaders – leaders who base every action and decision on their values. Leadership is based on integrity, innovation and relationships. Your effectiveness as a leader is not…
Read MoreLeadership, Leading Change, Quest Newsletter, The Advisor
Can You Change Fast Enough to Not Become Obsolete?
In this rapidly changing world, one of the keys to being a successful leader is to be adaptable with a strong willingness to learn and change. A few of the powerful changes that are impacting today’s leaders include: technology; workforce demographics – the baby boomers are beginning to leave the …
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6 Tips on How to Coach an Executive Who Doesn’t Want Help
We were asked to coach a leader by a CEO who said to us, “If this executive does not improve her leadership skills and her ability to build strong relationships with a diverse group of people, she is going to undermine her ability to ever be promoted in this organization.” The CEO …
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Challenging the status quo or derailing your strategic plan?
Are you allowing a senior leader to coast while organizational results and revenues are suffering? Most likely, this manager is getting enough accomplished to get by and satisfied by his performance. But, you face three major problems when your direct report is allowed to maintain the …
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Leading Change, Productivity
Increasing Workplace Culture and Morale Isn’t HR’s Job
After companies conduct an Employee opinion survey, they are faced with the challenge of taking action to create real change. Where some organizations go wrong is holding HR accountable for changing culture and morale within…
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Leadership, Leading Change, Most Popular Posts
Great Leaders Keep Employees Uncomfortable
Ensuring a positive and engaging work environment is a key leadership responsibility. But, when people confuse this responsibility with keeping everyone happy and base their decisions solely on this goal, problems arise. A manager…
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Successfully Moving from Peer (and friend) to Manager
You’ve just received a promotion, and you’re ecstatic. You can’t wait to start your new leadership position, and the wheels are already turning with exciting ideas to implement. But, it comes to your attention…
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Leading Change in the Face of Opposition
Robert F. Kennedy once said, “About twenty percent of the people are against any change.” Our findings, in working with managers and supervisors tasked with leading organizational change, support Kennedy’s theory. No matter how…
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Great Leaders Make Tough Decisions Quickly
Sound decisions are a hallmark of great leadership. But, that doesn’t make decisions, such as whether to terminate a member of the team or share an employee concern with your own leader, any easier. How…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Leading Change
The Critical Role of Top-Down Communication
Management at all levels of an organization play a significant role in the communication that flows down to employees. Despite their best efforts, top-down communication continues to be an issue for many of the organizations we encounter….
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