Communication, Leadership
Is There a Cost to Kissing Up to Your Boss?
Following a recent leadership training seminar, an employee pulled me aside and asked, “Do I need to kiss up to my boss or should I do what is right for the organization?” This is a…
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Coaching an Executive…Is it Worth the Investment?
Is coaching an executive worth the investment? This is such a great question and there is only one answer…it all depends. We recently took on a new coaching assignment where the CEO of the company…
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Do People Trust You?
Do people trust you? I recently gave 360 feedback to a leader and one of his lowest scores was that people don’t trust him. He was dumbfounded. “How can this be? I don’t lie, I…
Read MoreExecutive Coaching, Leadership
Does Leadership Training Really Help?
On a recent flight from Boston to Minneapolis, my seatmate in 2A asked me a great question. Do you think that if we provided more leadership training earlier in people’s education or career, it would…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Leadership
When Your New Boss Took Your Job
There is a promotion opportunity in your department. Your old boss, the one who just retired, told you that you are well qualified for her position. Several team members encourage you to apply for your…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Leadership
Respect and Likeability
Can nice managers have low morale? Can managers who are aggressive and tough have low morale? The answer is – yes, many times they do. To be successful as a leader, it’s important that you’re…
Read MoreCommunication, Customer Service
Your job! Are You Doing What You LOVE To Do?
Confucius said, “Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.” For years, we have told our clients, if you do what you love it is not a job….
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Leadership
Does your opinion matter? Should it?
Does your opinion matter? Yes, indeed, your opinion does and should matter. Companies in our Best of the Best Benchmark from our Employee Opinion Surveys rate almost 20 points higher than organizations in our Overall…
Read MoreLeadership, Vision
Creating a Positive Vision
Recently an executive asked me “Is this vision thing overrated?” It’s a great question and many times in my career I’ve had managers and executives tell me that they really don’t see the power and…
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Leading Change
Five Secrets to Keeping Your Top Performers Happy
Frequently, we are asked to work with teams that are experiencing low levels of motivation and morale. When we ask managers to describe their most demotivated and unengaged employees, they typically refer to them as…
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