Benchmarking Survey Data
Benchmark survey data provides you with a target to help you set realistic goals to improve employee engagement.
Leaders in proactive organizations are both curious and competitive. When reviewing their Employee Opinion Survey results they often ask, “So how do we compare to other organizations?” Or, “You tell us we have good results, but how do we stack up against the really great organizations?” Benchmarking allows employers to put into perspective their employees’ collective responses when compared to a “benchmark.” Benchmarking is a process by which an organization determines what it wants to measure, (usually best workplace practices) then sets goals designed to ensure success by comparing their survey responses to those of other organizations.

For example, in response to the question, “I am clear on the Company’s goals and future direction,” an organization’s favorable results were 81.5%. In comparison:
- The Baseline Benchmark (companies outside the Best-of-the-Best Benchmark) score is 65.8%. This is a good starting point for companies to begin their comparison.
- The Overall Benchmark (all companies surveyed) score for this question is 77.1%. They may think this is good! But why stop there?
- The Best-of-the-Best PBS Benchmark (top quarter of organizations we have surveyed) score is 93.7%.
Comparing your organization’s specific data to the PBS Benchmarks gives you a good frame of reference to determine how your organization compares to others, and what results your organization can strive to achieve.
Organizations that routinely benchmark their survey data, and use the data to set goals in order to target improvement, not only improve employee engagement, but also in the areas of: process improvement, communication, teamwork, and leadership. It’s difficult to make progress if you don’t know what the target is. Benchmark survey data provides you with a target to help you set realistic goals.