Executive Advisor
Peter Barron Stark Companies has been a trusted executive advisor and partner for our clients for over 20 years. In this role, we serve as an unbiased third-party that will objectively review and serve as a advisor to CEOs and high level executives. We know some things can’t be shared with all, but having a trusted advisor to discuss decisions, or strategic issues is priceless. Every CEO or senior executive should have access to an independent, unbiased advisor that can support their leadership presence from behind the scenes. A sounding board, a voice of encouragement or a voice of caution, we are ready to bring whatever resources are needed to ensure you are able to make the best possible decisions. As a trusted advisor, we will assist by providing focus, confidential support needed to help you perform at your best and live your life to the fullest. Enabling you to lead your company to the highest levels of productivity and engagement. If you have challenging team members or difficult decision to make, you would benefit from an executive advisor.
An executive advisor will help CEOs and senior executives:
Confidentially help overcome internal barriers to change and help identify blind spots
Strategically guide through decisions to execution
Frame language before high-stakes interactions with board members, clients and staff
Respond quickly to competitive situations
Improve alignment behind strategic goals
Help make high value decisions in the face of uncertain conditions
Assist in developing even more effective relationships with constituents; including board members, direct reports, customers/clients, as well as business development relationships
Assist first time CEOs in need of a safe sounding board to help guide them and challenge them in areas where they do not yet have experience
Provide direct, honest feedback to assist them in holding their team accountable as they deal with important and challenging issues