Millennials Are Raising the Bar for Leaders
We’ve heard plenty of managers gripe about the entitled Millennials and the impact they’re having on the workforce. But before I get to that, let’s start with some statistics. Millennials (18-34 years old) currently make…
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Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions
All great leaders make regrettable decisions and mistakes. In fact, if you’re not making mistakes or bad decisions, then you’re not taking enough risks or learning enough to continue growing as a leader. When Sam Walton,…
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The Arrogant Leadership Test
Arrogant leaders operate under the belief that they are simply confident go-getters. Actually, arrogant leaders believe a lot of things about themselves that are; A) false, and B) severely detrimental to their success as a…
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The 5 Signs of a Thriving Workplace Culture
Most people would agree that the culture of your organization is critically important to its success. As Peter Drucker said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Consider these examples for a minute. Zappos has a culture…
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Top 10 Traits of a Confident & Competent Leader
If you were to write down all of the traits a strong leader should have, you could create quite an impressive list. No matter what traits you write on that list, though, confidence needs to…
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Making Your 360 Leadership Development Assessment Work for You
You asked for feedback on what you could do to be a stronger leader. The most important thing you can do now is take action. Leaders who diligently act on their 360 survey results make…
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7 Undeniable Signs it’s Time to Fire an Employee
We’ve all dealt with challenging employees at some point in our careers. As a leader, it can be extremely difficult to know when you’ve gone from dealing with a challenging employee, to dealing with a…
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10 Hiring Mistakes You’re Still Making
Recently, a manager I was coaching said he was recovering from firing a P.U.R.E. This phrase was new to me. When I inquired, he translated: Previously Undetected Recruiting Error. If you’ve been supervising people for…
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Great Leaders Need to Say “No!”
I’m willing to bet there isn’t a single leader out there who doesn’t wish they had at least 25 hours in a day to get everything done. Great leaders have a compelling, positive vision of…
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Not Making Mistakes IS Your Biggest Mistake
Too many people in this world believe mistakes are bad. If fact, if you attended Our Lady of Corporal Punishment Religious School, you were physically punished for making mistakes. Punishment or a bad grade was…
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