Employee Engagement, Leadership
The Right Kind of Diversity Builds Team Success
Diversity has long been linked to a team’s success. Most of us think about diversity in terms of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or religion. But, there are many more types of diversity…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Leading Change, Productivity
Increasing Workplace Culture and Morale Isn’t HR’s Job
After companies conduct an Employee opinion survey, they are faced with the challenge of taking action to create real change. Where some organizations go wrong is holding HR accountable for changing culture and morale within…
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The 50/50 Odds of Executive Coaching
We often receive calls from our clients that go something like this, “Peter, I have an executive/manager on my team who is technically sound and highly competent at doing his job. However, when it comes…
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7 Ways to Fail Your Way to Success
When we think about success, failure isn’t the word that usually comes to mind. And yet, success rarely happens without multiple failures along the way. Most people we would consider to be highly successful…
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The Critical Ingredient of Extraordinary Customer Service
In today’s global marketplace where many companies offer similar products for comparable or lower prices, great organizations know the competitive edge is gained or sacrificed through customer service. In a class I taught at San…
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Great Leaders Keep Employees Uncomfortable
Ensuring a positive and engaging work environment is a key leadership responsibility. But, when people confuse this responsibility with keeping everyone happy and base their decisions solely on this goal, problems arise. A manager…
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Leadership, Productivity
Empowering Great Employees to Make Great Decisions
Great decision-making skills are critical to a leader’s success. What people tend to forget, however, is that trusting employees to make great decisions is equally critical to a leader’s success. We’ve worked with many…
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8 Signs You May be Lacking Confidence
Confidence tops the list of important leadership qualifications. And yet, most (if not all) leaders experience a dip in confidence along the way. Unfortunately, a lack of confidence is easy to spot in a leader,…
Read MoreEmployee Engagement, Leadership
The New Golden Rule of Leadership
Most of us grew up with parents and teachers who taught us the Golden Rule; treat others the way you want to be treated. That is an awesome rule of thumb for most aspects of…
Read MoreCommunication, Employee Engagement, Leadership
7 Ways to Encourage Open Communication
An executive we work with recently mentioned that employees had not expressed concerns or recommended any organizational changes to the leadership team. This was taken as good news until I asked if the leadership team…
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